Youth House

Youth House

Youth House

The institutions of the youth in Tunisia prestigious structures in our country where returns creation of the first House of Youth to the Year 1963, the first institution created in the Maghreb countries , called Youth House Maghreb Rades , and since rolled Alahaddathat to reach 2010, 310 Foundation distributed over the entire states of the republic and oversees conduct a competent tires in activating youth.

objectives :

The institutions of the youth in Tunisia structures , educational, social and cultural spaces for youth offer refresher training , entertainment , and under the supervision of the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Physical Education and is particularly to :

- Promotion of youth belonging to his country roots and identity.

- The education of young people volunteering, initiative and creativity , responsibility and dialogue.

- To facilitate the participation of young people in the knowledge society and information by the mastery of technology and modern languages.


- Reception and attract young

- The provision of services and development of educational and recreational

- Training in the areas of cognitive stimulus concerns of young ( modern languages ​​, media, Internet and various arts and recreation ... )

- The organization of trips and youth exchange programs and tourism activities embrace youth.


- Empower educational institutions in the educational and pedagogical work regularly as part of young volunteers objectives.

- Contribute to the socialization of young

- The protection of young people against the risks.

- Provide an opportunity for young people to invest in his spare time to practice his hobbies and meet the needs of growth.

- Facilitate the participation of young people in the knowledge society and to help them cope with the future of own variable mechanisms.

- The youth development , knowledge and skills, attitudes and behavior modification , psychological and social trends.

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